Daikin City Updates - LCXpress Tool, Pack Quantity Update, Save Address

Written by Air Intelligence on Tuesday November 19, 2019

The improvement to Daikin City include the following: Integration of LCXpress tool for the new light commercial rooftop product line, automatic package quantities, and saving project addresses for future use.

New LCXpress Tool
A new LCXpress selection and submittal tool has been added to Daikin City to facilitate placing order for light commercial packaged rooftop products. LCXpress can be accessed from the "Tools" section or from the active Daikin City project quote. The new LCXpress tool provides the following:

  • Selection of light commercial rooftop products
  • Addition of light commercial rooftop products to Daikin City "Quote"
  • An "Intend-to-Buy" feature that can be used to request model setup before submitting the order
  • Technical documnet downloads
  • Mechanical schedules and submittal reports

Click here to watch a demo video that explains how to access LCXpress as well as create projects, add equipment, generate reports, and process products for orders.

Automatic Packaged Quantities
Some products and accessories are sold in pre-packaged quantities (multi-pack). Daikin City now applies these packaged quantities to all items added to your quote by applying the minimum packaged quantity or multiples of the packaged quantity. Click here to watch a demo of automatic package quantity updates.

Save in Address Book
Adding new project address information is now easier with the ability to save addresses in the "Address Book" for future dropdown selection rather than re-typing each time. You can add new addresses, edit existing addresses, or delete previous addresses. This feature is available in the "Project Details" section of the order form. Click here to learn more about this feature.

Obtaining New Access to Daikin City
For new access, please register in Daikin City by clicking here, or contact daikincity@daikincomfort.com.

Tag: 12-2019