Controls Summit 2020 Recap

Written by Air Intelligence on Tuesday December 1, 2020

Take a look at how our 1st virutal Controls Summit went!

Daikin Controls Summit 2020 was a huge success!  More than 120 controls sales and service technicians from across North America and Canada participated in the 6th annual, 2-day event November 17th and 18th.  For the first time, the Controls Summit event was hosted virtually and was nothing short of educational, engaging, and entertaining.  The Daikin Controls Team provided a robust agenda of 6 educational breakout sessions, including 2-way communication opportunities for each attendee to engage with members of the Daikin Controls team.

While 2020 has had its challenges, the virtual Controls Summit meeting proved to be the right communication platform for establishing a new foundation in the rapidly changing controls product lineup.  Several new, innovative, and differentiated controls, along with many updates to existing controls, were announced and explained in detail.  The new and updated controls are anticipated to help support the growth of all Daikin products, delivering mutual business success and strengthen our commitment and promise to our distribution channel, contractors and end users.

The objective of the meeting was successfully met by providing a highly engaging event where each participant learned about the new, innovative products and services, how to engineer customer experiences in a growing virtual landscape, and engage together in shaping the future of technology for Daikin controls.  The Controls and Events Teams knew that hosting the meeting virtually would be a challenging, yet exciting, opportunity to ensure the annual meeting kept its momentum. The Daikin Controls Summit 2020 successfully provided participants a high level of education, interactivity, and engagement – Virtually!

Category: news Tag: 12-2020